Renovations By-Laws – How Much Detail Do I Need To Include?
Published July 28, 2020 By David Bannerman, Bannermans Lawyers
Determining the level of detail to include in a renovations by-law can be a daunting experience. The following must be included:
Adequately describe the works and the common property area
For the motion and by-law to be valid it must provide specific details of the works to be undertaken and specify the area of common property. This may be achieved by the inclusion of detailed scope of works, quotes, specifications and plans.
There are three types of renovations for strata homes:

Cosmetic work
Owners can do cosmetic work without approval. This includes day-to-day work such as:
- installing or replacing hooks, nails or screws for hanging paintings or other things on walls
- installing or replacing handrails within your lot
- interior painting

Minor renovations
The owners corporation has passed a by-law (49) which allows the strata committee to approve minor renovations in some cases. Other minor renovations would require owners corporation approval, over 50 percent of the votes at a general meeting.

Major renovations
Major renovations include:
- structural changes
- waterproofing
- changes affecting the outside appearance of the property, such as an awning
- work that needs approval under other laws (for example, council approval)