
Moving in & Out

Before you can move in or out of the Bayview Apartments you are required to submit a booking request, agreeing to the Moving In/Out Policy and pay the security bond of $500.


The purpose of this agreement and the associated guidelines are:

  • to ensure that the common property is protected during Removalist Work;
  • to minimise the inconvenience to other residents, and;
  • to rectify any damage

The security bond can be sent via the building strata account via EFT, and will be promptly refunded following your move and inspection of facilities.


Before removalist work can commence, your removalist will be required to:


  • sign into the building
  • agree to the transportation of goods agreement
  • to rectify any damage
  • provide a copy of their public liability insurance
  • provide a copy of their works compensation insurance
The booking request must be received at least two full working days prior to your requested move in/out date. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

Move In/Out booking requests are only allowed Monday to Friday between 10:00am and 5:00pm and on Saturday between 9:00am and 4:00pm.

Building Management reserves the right to cancel a booking at any time when circumstances beyond the control of Building Management dictate that a booking cannot proceed.

A booking can also be cancelled at the discretion of Building Management if the resident or removal company fails to comply with the lawful directions of Building Management, breaches the By-Laws or health and safety procedures or behaves in a rude or abusive manner.

The transportation of goods agreement can be found below.

Our concierge will be in contact to confirm your booking request.

Moving In/Out Policy

This policy sets out guidelines to facilitate resident entry/exit from Bayview Apartments.


The following aims to minimise disruption to existing residents’ day to day use of common property and to avoid any damage to common property and maintain a clean environment.


  • Residents are to inform Building Management of their intention to move In/Out from Bayview Apartments in advance, prior to any goods or equipment being moved.
  • An inspection of the common property will be conducted before and after with the removalist company.
  • The responsibility is vested in the resident moving in / out to determine any pre existing damage to common property prior to move.
  • Common property areas must be kept clear, clean, and tidy at all times, giving consideration to the safety of persons and / or damage to common property
  • To secure your lift booking your removalist is required to provide their PUBLIC & PRODUCTS LIABILITY INSURANCE WITH A MINIMUM $10,000,000 COVER 48 hours prior to the transport of goods across the common property.
  • Trucks over 5 tonnes are prohibited from entering the ramp bridge to the elevated northern carpark.
  • Failing to supply the requested Insurances Building management will refuse entry to the removalist. Vehicles for the purpose of delivery or collecting goods, equipment, furniture or products must obtain permission from the building manager to park on site.
  • The responsibility of parking is vested in the resident of the respected vehicle.

Booking Request